Cambodia Supreme Court DissolvedThe Main Opposition Party, CNRP

The Supreme Court of Cambodia has just dissolved the Cambodia National Rescue Party, CNRP, which was the most popular opposition party in the country and barred 118 members of the opposition from politics for five years including Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha, the former presidents of CNRP.

The dissolution took place after the recent campaign stated the engagement of the CNRP in a “Colour Revolution”, which was the similar case compared to other countries’ experience.



Phnom Penh- The Supreme Court of Cambodia has just dissolved the Cambodia National Rescue Party, CNRP, which was the most popular opposition party in the country and banned 118 members of the opposition from politics for five years including Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha, the former presidents of CNRP.

The dissolution took place after the recent campaign stated the engagement of the CNRP in a “Colour Revolution”, which was the similar case compared to other countries’ experience.

According to the court earlier today, it has been stated that CNRP is found guilty on plotting to topple the government, charged as denies, and illustrated as politically motivated. On the other hand, in this case, there is also a strong reaction from the CNRP leaders. Mu Sochua, Vice President of CNRP, had a strong negative reaction for this decision by the court and she also called for sanctions, stating her concerns of the democracy in the future of the country.

Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha, the former presidents of CNRP.

Announcing the final decision, CNRP was accused to effectively confess to the charges of plotting a revolution due to the reason of not sending any lawyers to the trial. “It is a serious crime, so the party will be dissolved according to Article 38 of the Law on Political Parties.”, said Judge Dith Munty, the Court’s Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

However, the CNRP side had denied this decision and stated that the verdict was predetermined.


Earlier in 2015, then CNRP Vice President Sam Rainsy fled to France to escape from the arrest after being charged with defamation for accusing the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Samdach Techo Hun Sen, administration of planning the death of prominent political commentator and activist Kem Ley.

In September 2017, the former CNRP leader, Kem Sokha, was arrested and accused of conspiring with the US to overthrow the government. He was charged with treason.  The charge comes from a 2013 video, during Sokha allegedly says the US assisted in planning his political career. The charge carries a sentence of 15 to 30 years.

The Supreme Court of Cambodia has just dissolved the Cambodia National Rescue Party

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