Cambodian Students Share Their Experiences From Model United Nations in Indonesia

A 4-day Model United Nations was held during September, in Cikarang, Indonesia, hosted by President University to which the event was called “PresMUN 2017.” The 4-day Model Untied Nations is an event, where students come together for discussion panels as delegate to solve critical world problems accordingly to United Nations’ conferences’ procedures.

6 Cambodian students from various universities attended this event to which they found very beneficial to their knowledge despite not majoring in International Relations. With 85 students attending locally and internationally, the event included 5 councils; UNSC, UNGA, African Union, Press Corps and Crisis Committee to which the last council is non-conventional.



Phnom Penh- A 4-day Model United Nations was held during September, in Cikarang, Indonesia, hosted by President University to which the event was called “PresMUN 2017.” The 4-day Model Untied Nations is an event, where students come together for discussion panels as delegate to solve critical world problems accordingly to United Nations’ conferences’ procedures.

6 Cambodian students from various universities attended this event to which they found very beneficial to their knowledge despite not majoring in International Relations. With 85 students attending locally and internationally, the event included 5 councils; UNSC, UNGA, African Union, Press Corps and Crisis Committee to which the last council is non-conventional.

6 Cambodian students from various universities attended this event to which they found very beneficial to their knowledge despite not majoring in International Relations

Topics that were raised for discussions including, The Lake Chad Basin Emergency, India-Pakistan on Kashmir Territorial Conflict Strategic Measurements, and Promoting Green Economy to achieve a Resilient and Equitable social welfare development.

Chanrith Thy, delegate of Russian Federation in UNSC told, “The experience and knowledge I gathered was abundant despite a tiring schedule.” After 6 intense and competitive committee sessions which totaled up to 14 hours, certain delegates from their councils will be awarded such as Phalla Dahlia, from Press Corps, was awarded with a “Most Outstanding Delegate

” certificate as a Press Corps delegate and Vannvera Tia, from African Union held the “Verbal Commendation” award as a Delegate of Mauritius from African Union.

(Top left -right: Chanrith Thy, Phalla Dahlia, Taramitha Aemilia T, Dany Hea, Sokheang Peng) (Bottom left-right: Vannvera Tia, Visal Pov)

All 6 students have found the experience academically beneficial as well as being exposed to diverse cultures from being on international grounds. With the lack of standard MUNs, they all urge students, especially those majoring in DIS or IR, to participate in international MUNs for it is of great value and credentials as well as enjoyable as there were fun activities included to blow off steam as well.


Cambodian Students Share Their Experiences From a Model United Nations in Indonesia

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