Camp Away Towards 2018 at Mondulkiri, Cambodia

In typical fashion, a majority of the population prefers to enter a new year with a banger of a party, however, there are good news for those who want to spend their new year’s away from all the crowd and hype.

There will be a camping trip from December 30th to January 1st at Mondulkiri hosted by “Unseen Travel, Cambodia”.

Feel the winds whistle, gaze at the starry sky, and listen to the sound of nature. With a price of $85, participants will receive 7 meals, travel insurance, a tent for 2, and transportation fee. Participants will get the chance to visit Bousra waterfall, Chrey Thom waterfall, and the Sen Monorom waterfall, as well as visiting coffee and pine plantations.



Phnom Penh- In typical fashion, a majority of the population prefers to enter a new year with a banger of a party, however, there are good news for those who want to spend their new year’s away from all the crowd and hype.

There will be a camping trip from December 30th to January 1st at Mondulkiri hosted by “Unseen Travel, Cambodia”.

Feel the winds whistle, gaze at the starry sky, and listen to the sound of nature. With a price of $85, participants will receive 7 meals, travel insurance, a tent for 2, and transportation fee. Participants will get the chance to visit Bousra waterfall, Chrey Thom waterfall, and the Sen Monorom waterfall, as well as visiting coffee and pine plantations.

Trekking to Mount Dos, and witnessing a large area of land covered in trees known as “The Ocean of Trees”. As Mondulkiri is home to some numbers of indigenous people, campers will be able to visit one of their villages and as night calls, fun camping activities such as gathering around the fire, dancing, sending off floating lanterns, barbeque and many more different games will be done.

Ocean of Trees in Mondulkiri

Since booking is only available until December 5th, register now for time is limited on this fun offer. “Unseen Travel, Cambodia” has organized many more travels such as Kirrirom, Areng, and Kompot so expect lots of fun.


Bousra waterfall in Mondulkiri

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