Movie fevers must be waiting for this American cyberpunk action film. “Alita” features a story of one young woman's journey to discover the truth of who...
Sambor Prey Kok Temples is located in Sambor village, Sambor commune, Sambor district, Kampong Thom province. The temple, originally named Īśānapura, is a Pali or Sanskrit,...
Thousand-year-old carvings, thundering waterfalls and an iconic reclining Buddha make Phnom Kulen National Park one of the most-visited escapes in all of Cambodia.
Doung TE is another most visited tourist site where you can get ride of all the stress and relax on the beach, enjoying the spectacular views...
A supremely mellow riverside town, Kratie (pronounced kra-cheh) has an expansive riverfront and some of the best Mekong sunsets in Cambodia. It is the most popular...
“Us” is an upcoming American psychological horror–thriller film by Universal Pictures. “Us” features a mother and father taking their kids to their beach house, expecting to...
Tired from walking around in city life? Why not spend a few days with forest and waterfall? Only 20 kilometers from Koh Kong capital, Tatai, a...
About 20 kilometers from Phnom Penh city, far enough to get away from a crowded urban, laid the zoological park called Safari World, a park full...
In this video: In her weibo, she said that the old people in the village sold some persimmons to make some money but many still on...
Kiki Challenge becomes very viral worldwide. The challenger has to get out from the car seat (while going on the road) and dance to the song...
Painting highlights and activities of the rural life of the rice fields are an imaginative view of 40 artists. One year lived in Battambang province.These paintings...
On Tuesday, the opening day of the film, “Avengers: Infinity Wars” for the first time. Tom Holland plays the Spider-Man, revealing the strangest thing about filming....
Elaine Ng begins to conceive her daughter Etta Ng in 1999 after dating secretly with actor Jackie Chan (Jackie Chan) ). After marrying his legal wife, Joan...
NBC’s “The Tonight Show” Jimmy Fallon recruited cast members in Avengers: Infinity Wars to record a song, “The Brady” Bunch “for a live broadcast and a...