Expectation Runs High After “Bad Genius” Held Its Pre-screening in Cambodia

Bad Genius, the highest-grossing Thailand film of 2017, held its pre-screening at Legend Cinema with excitement and positive reviews.

On 11th July 2017, fans were invited to join the pre-screening of “Bad Genius” 2017 at Legend Cinema, TK Avenue. The event had many activities including a photo-shooting as well as an interview. Importantly, fans were handed a special paper and pencil. The paper is organized similarly to exam paper. There are 5 questions that the audiences must answer after the movie ends.



PHNOM PENH-  Bad Genius, the highest-grossing Thailand film of 2017, held its pre-screening at Legend Cinema with excitement and positive reviews.

On 11th July 2017, fans were invited to join the pre-screening of “Bad Genius” 2017 at Legend Cinema, TK Avenue. The event had many activities including a photo-shooting as well as an interview. Importantly, fans were handed a special paper and pencil. The paper is organized similarly to exam paper. There are 5 questions that the audiences must answer after the movie ends.

“Bad Genius” is now in cinemas in Cambodia

After the pre-screening ended, audiences filled in the answer and then handed the paper back to the team.  Moreover, people showed their admiration toward the movie as they were leaving the comfortable hall of Legend Cinema.

“Bad Genius” is a funny and thrilling movie. It takes exam cheating to the whole new level. Lynn, a straight-A student, makes money by her exam-cheating business. She uses elaborate methods that you will not think of it. Bad Genius also received a great review on social media as one of the best Thai film in 2017.


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