First Elderly Nursing Center Planned to Construct by 2018

Cambodia’s first elderly nursing center, planned by the Ministry of Social Affairs, will be constructed after the government officially enforces a national policy for elderly people from 2017 to 2030.

Despite Cambodia’s young population due to the war, compared to its neighbors’, the number of senior citizens older than 60 makes up about 7% of Cambodia’s current population and is expected to rise to 11% by 2030.

Traditionally, Cambodian’s take care of their elderly parents rather than sending them off to nursing homes, however, recent changes in the habits due to economic growth have generated a rather hard time to for them to care for the elderly.



Phnom Penh- Cambodia’s first elderly nursing center, planned by the Ministry of Social Affairs, will be constructed after the government officially enforces a national policy for elderly people from 2017 to 2030.

Despite Cambodia’s young population due to the war, compared to its neighbors’, the number of senior citizens older than 60 makes up about 7% of Cambodia’s current population and is expected to rise to 11% by 2030.

Traditionally, Cambodian’s take care of their elderly parents rather than sending them off to nursing homes, however, recent changes in the habits due to economic growth have generated a rather hard time to for them to care for the elderly.

According to report, the first nursing center is supposed to locate in Por Senchey district, Phnom Penh, and will be under the government’s management.

The nursing center will provide a home for senior citizens without a home or a family.


First Elderly Nursing Center will appear soon in Cambodia

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