First Largest Japan’s Bank Invests in Cambodia

Prime Minister Hun Sen, on Monday, gave a courtesy visit by Imai Seiji, Managing Executive Officer and Head of Asia & Oceania Excl. East Asia of Mizuho Bank, Ltd. at the Peace Palace.

At the meeting, the premier expressed his thanks to the government and people of Japan, who helped to bring peace, provide aid, and attract investors to Cambodia.

The Prime Minister wished Mizuho success in Cambodia, and hope that it will help to attract more Japanese investors.



Phnom Penh– Prime Minister Hun Sen, on Monday, gave a courtesy visit by Imai Seiji, Managing Executive Officer and Head of Asia & Oceania Excl. East Asia of Mizuho Bank, Ltd. at the Peace Palace.

At the meeting, the premier expressed his thanks to the government and people of Japan, who helped to bring peace, provide aid, and attract investors to Cambodia.

The Prime Minister wished Mizuho success in Cambodia, and hope that it will help to attract more Japanese investors.

In response, Imai Seiji expressed his thanks to the prime minister for giving him time and honor.

He appreciated the premier’s leadership in bringing success to Cambodia.


The meeting between the PM of Cambodia and Mr. Imai Seiji

Mizuho Bank, the first largest Japan’s bank to invest in Cambodia, it has many branches in 30 countries around the globe.

“The bank is going to facilitate the provision of financial services to Japanese-Cambodian investors and other investors in Cambodia,” according to Imai Seiji.

The investments of Anna Airlines and Mizuho bank show that Japanese investors are confident in investing in Cambodia.

The Mizuho Bank

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