Getting To Know More About the Rules and Regulations of the Upcoming BAC II Exam

The Cambodian national high school graduation exam or national BACII exam is less than a month away and many 12th graders are indeed nervous and are preparing themselves for the last battle of their high school journey.

As the rules and regulations have been strictly strengthened ever since 2014, all students are advised to be extra careful and not to violate any of them during the exam period. Here are some important reminders for all 12th graders for the upcoming BACII exam:



Phnom Penh The Cambodian national high school graduation exam or national BAC II exam is less than a month away and many 12th graders are indeed nervous and are preparing themselves for the last battle of their high school journey.

As the rules and regulations have been strictly strengthened ever since 2014, all students are advised to be extra careful and not to violate any of them during the exam period. Here are some important reminders for all 12th graders for the upcoming BACII exam:

All students must hand in all documents or books to the exam supervisors/invigilators, or else he/she will not be allowed to take the exam and will be marked as failed.

1. Students are not allowed to use calculator during the exam in order to ensure equity and fairness.

2. Mechanical watches are allowed; however, electronic watches are prohibited.


3. Students are allowed to bring in necessary school supplies such as blue pens, pencils, rulers, compass, and protractor.

4. Explosive items, weapons, bags, correction pens, phones, and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited.

5. Students must write down the answers on the paper that contains the invigilator’s signature, must not cheat, or draw any signs on the exam papers.

6. Students who have written down formulas, or any writings on their desks, hands, thighs, or shoes will automatically get 0 for that subject and will be banned from taking further exams.

7. Students are required to get at least 237 points in overall to pass the exam.


The national BAC II exam will takes place for 2 days on 21st & 22nd of August, and for more information, please visit MoEYS Cambodia.

Things you must know for upcoming national high school graduation exam

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