A Heart-Warming Video of a Japanese Man Lost His Bicycle in Cambodia

It’s such a heart-warming story about a Japanese man lost his bicycle in Phnom Penh, and later found it with the truly help from Cambodian people, media, and reporters. And now there is a short video clip to describe many important parts related to this case.

According to a Facebook account “Hiroyuki Yoneda” released a short video clip to show about the story of Mr. Shun Yanagisawa, a Japanese man who traveled across many countries by his bicycle, lost his bike when visiting in Cambodia while he was staying in a hotel which locates in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 18th July 2016.



Phnom Penh- It’s such a heart-warming story about a Japanese man lost his bicycle in Phnom Penh, and later found it with the truly help from Cambodian people, media, and reporters. And now there is a short video clip to describe many important parts related to this case.

According to a Facebook account “Hiroyuki Yoneda” released a short video clip to show about the story of Mr. Shun Yanagisawa, a Japanese man who traveled across many countries by his bicycle, lost his bike when visiting in Cambodia while he was staying in a hotel which locates in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 18th July 2016.

In the video, we can see that after his bike was stolen, Mr. Yanagisawa tried his best to find the bicycle at local markets for many days but no matter how he try, he will never see his most favorite bike again. However this news were spread widely by Cambodian people and some local media, that’s make the impossible thing become possible. At last, his bike was seen by an old man and then he reported to the police, later Mr. Yanagisawa can get his bicycle back as he wishes.

Furthermore, H.E Khieu Kanharith, the Minister of Ministry of Information, has invited Mr. Yanagisawa for a friendly talk and share some ideas also souvenirs. There are many admirations related to this case from both national and international sectors.



Mr. Shun Yanagisawa came to receive his stolen bicycle


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