India Donates USD 50,000 to Khmer Rouge Tribunal

PHNOM PENH – Neth Pheaktra, a Spokesman of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, said on 27th February that Indian government had contributed USD 50,000 to the 2018 operations of Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

India has provided fund to Khmer Rouge Tribunal USD 1.1 million in total, since 2006. This year, they will continue to be a part of operations of tribunal in finding truth and justice.

“For this 2018, the Khmer Rouge Tribunal is preparing to announce the verdict in Case 001/2 against Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, who were charged with crimes against humanity and genocide of the Cham ethnic people and Vietnamese”, said Mr. Pheaktra.



PHNOM PENH – Neth Pheaktra, a Spokesman of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, said on 27th February that Indian government had contributed USD 50,000 to the 2018 operations of Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

India has provided fund to Khmer Rouge Tribunal USD 1.1 million in total, since 2006. This year, they will continue to be a part of operations of tribunal in finding truth and justice.

“For this 2018, the Khmer Rouge Tribunal is preparing to announce the verdict in Case 001/2 against Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, who were charged with crimes against humanity and genocide of the Cham ethnic people and Vietnamese”, said Mr. Pheaktra.

India donates USD 50,000 to Khmer Rouge Tribunal

The tribunal has been facing serious financial problem, despite having support from the government of Cambodia.

In accordance with local reports, in 2018, the national side of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal needs about USD 5.7 million, of which about USD 4 million has been provided by the Cambodian government.


Tribunal had also failed to pay its staff in the past, said Latt Ky, who monitors the Khmer Rouge tribunal for rights group Adhoc.

He was very happy for the support from donor countries. He would like to see this tribunal end the history of Democratic Kampuchea.

India donates USD 50,000 to Khmer Rouge Tribunal

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