Join and Donate to Give More Chances to Impoverished Kids
Charity is a generous act of helping and caring impoverished people, which is considered as a contribution to society.
Recently, Vital, the domestic drinking water company, has published an interesting project by donating 25 riels for each bottle purchase to orphanage and impoverished kids.
Moreover, with the support from City Mall, there is a big charity box in front of the main entrance of the mall, to receive books, clothes, and other materials that people think they can donate.
Phnom Penh- Charity is a generous act of helping and caring impoverished people, which is considered as a contribution to society.
Recently, Vital, the domestic drinking water company, has published an interesting project by donating 25 riels for each bottle purchase to orphanage and impoverished kids.
Moreover, with the support from City Mall, there is a big charity box in front of the main entrance of the mall, to receive books, clothes, and other materials that people think they can donate.
The goal is to promote literacy on the outskirts of Phnom Penh and some rural areas, with to target children, who are having serious financial crisis and unable to afford for their education.
This can help to enhance the literacy in order to compete for vocational opportunities with neighboring countries. The benefits of donating are to help children in need and decrease the ignorance rate.
To donate, you can drop any of the above materials in the charity box in front of the main entrance of City Mall. Your donation is obviously appreciated, your book can replenish other’s lives.
You can find the Charity box in front of the main entrance of City Mall
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