Minor Parties to Take the National Assembly Seats, After CNRP Dissolved

Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), which is the most popular opposition party, was dissolved by the Supreme Court earlier this month. All 55 of 123 seats in the Parliament have been vacated promptly after the announcement. Prior to the dissolution, minor parties set to take the abandoned seats for the national election next year.

Prince Norodom Ranariddh, the president of Funcinpec and former co-prime minister, decided to take several seats and also to be a Kampong Cham representative.



Phnom Penh- Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), which is the most popular opposition party, was dissolved by the Supreme Court earlier this month. All 55 of 123 seats in the Parliament have been vacated promptly after the announcement. Prior to the dissolution, minor parties set to take the abandoned seats for the national election next year.

Prince Norodom Ranariddh, the president of Funcinpec and former co-prime minister, decided to take several seats and also to be a Kampong Cham representative.

Cambodia Nationality Party (CNP) chief decide to take a few seats in order to serve people and give warmth to people at the local level.

The president of Funcinpec and former co-prime minister, decided to take several seats after CNRP was dissolved

The League for Democracy Party and Khmer Anti-Poverty Party refused to accept the seats. The remaining seats are still unclear.

The Supreme Court has made an official announcement to ban CNRP’s actions from Politics including Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha, the former presidents of CNRP.


“I am very happy to accept these seats.” said Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

 The National Assembly of Cambodia

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