An Old M117 Bomb Found by Villagers, While Digging a Pond

An old M117 bomb was found at one village in Takeo province, Cambodia.

Villagers found the M117 bomb, while they were digging a pond, which locates at Bakkot village, Laibo commune, Tramkok district.

The bomb was found at about 5 meters deep down the ground, luckily, there was no harm or damage caused by it. Not so long, CMAC (Cambodia Mine Action Centre), the professional bomb saver Cambodia, went there and took action.



Phnom Penh- An old M117 bomb was found at one village in Takeo province, Cambodia.

Villagers found the M117 bomb, while they were digging a pond, which locates at Bakkot village, Laibo commune, Tramkok district, according to local report.

The bomb was found at about 5 meters deep down the ground, luckily, there was no harm or damage caused by it. Not so long, CMAC (Cambodia Mine Action Centre), the professional bomb saver Cambodia, went there and took action.

The M117 bomb was found at one village in Cambodia

Many bombs were dropped on during the war in 1960s and 1970s, while some of them haven’t exploded until now. Since 1992, CMAC has cleared thousands of landmines and bombs in Cambodia.

The M117 is a free-fall general-purpose bomb and dropped by airplane. It used by United States military force and was first used in Korean War in early 1950s, and extensively used in Vietnam War, according to Global Security Organization.


CMAC’s staff is taking action on the M117 bomb

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