Police Arrest about 200 Chinese Nationals Working with Construction Firm

August 16 – Major General Ouk Hay Seyla, head of investigation of the immigration police, said this morning of August 16, 2016 that his force together with those of the local police, under a direct order from Senior General Sok Phal, Director General of Immigration General Department, and with coordination of the prosecutor’s office, have been going on with the cracking down on illegal immigrants and have made arrest of 190 Chinese nationals working at a construction site of Sino Great Wall at Tonle Bassac district, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh.

The arrests were made for the reasons that those people have entered Cambodia, staying and working for the construction firm of Sino Great Wall illegally or without permits.



Phnom Penh-  August 16 – Major General Ouk Hay Seyla, head of investigation of the immigration police, said this morning of August 16, 2016 that his force together with those of the local police, under a direct order from Senior General Sok Phal, Director General of Immigration General Department, and with coordination of the prosecutor’s office, have been going on with the cracking down on illegal immigrants and have made arrest of 190 Chinese nationals working at a construction site of Sino Great Wall at Tonle Bassac district, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh.

The arrests were made for the reasons that those people have entered Cambodia, staying and working for the construction firm of Sino Great Wall illegally or without permits.

“They are all now having their documents finally verified and that include passports, visa and work permits and further actions will be taken according to the legal procedures,” said Gen. Seyla



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