Rare Beautiful Scenes of Coral Rocky Existed in Cambodia

You may found out those marvelous sceneries in many countries around the world, but now those spectacular views along with millions of coral or stone have existed in Cambodia.

Coral Rocky area locates in Kdard Village, Prek Thnot Commune, Teuk Chhou District, Kompot Province, Cambodia.

According to a statement came along with many photos posted by a Facebook page KDARD LA TENTE, “Due to this season is the falling of the sea (low tide), so visitors can easily see those beautiful stones with so many different shapes and colors”.

“In addition, the place is about 2 meters deep and about 500 meters from Kdat La Tente resort, so visitors can just walk along the beach to arrive there. Moreover, along the way you can also pick up some sea snails to cook by your own”.



Kampot- You may found out those marvelous sceneries in many countries around the world, but now those spectacular views along with millions of coral or stone have existed in Cambodia.

Coral Rocky area locates in Kdard Village, Prek Thnot Commune, Teuk Chhou District, Kompot Province, Cambodia.

According to a statement came along with many photos posted by a Facebook page KDARD LA TENTE, “Due to this season is the falling of the sea (low tide), so visitors can easily see those beautiful stones with so many different shapes and colors”.

“In addition, the place is about 2 meters deep and about 500 meters from Kdat La Tente resort, so visitors can just walk along the beach to arrive there. Moreover, along the way you can also pick up some sea snails to cook by your own”.

Cool, isn’t it? Yeah, It is the best period of time to visit Coral Rocky because of either the weather or the sea is so good to see and capture this rare view.


What are you still waiting for? Don’t miss the uniqueness of this place! For more detail, please visit this page.

Take a look at those beautiful coral rocky:

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