The Solution to a Tarantula Infestation? Just Eat Them

At least that’s what locals in the Cambodian town of Skuon are doing… Skuon is a market town in Kampong Cham Province nicknamed “Spiderville.” Why? Because it’s infested with tarantulas, of course. The eight-legged arachnids can be found scuttling over toes and falling onto heads. It’s really a source of nightmares.



At least that’s what locals in the Cambodian town of Skuon are doing…

Skuon is a market town in Kampong Cham Province nicknamed “Spiderville.” Why? Because it’s infested with tarantulas, of course.

The eight-legged arachnids can be found scuttling over toes and falling onto heads. It’s really a source of nightmares.

So to cope with the infestation, the obvious solution is to deep fry them with some herbs and make a tasty snack out of it, right?

Although the town has been infested for decades, Skuon residents turned to the eight-legged arachnids as a food source in the 70s when famine struck during the Pol Pot regime.

Now, the town is known for its fried spiders. The fried tarantula meat reportedly tastes like a cross between chicken and cod.



The deep fried creepy crawlies are considered a Cambodian delicacy, and you can find locals trying to convince tourists to have a try all over the country. 


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