The famous film, “First they kill my father” is set to screen for free this November, which is organized by ECCC in collaboration with Royal University...
“First They Killed My Father” is based on a true story of a girl, Loung Ung, who went through the deadly Khmer Rouge regime and how...
“First They Killed My Father”, has held its premiere screening at Legend Cinema, TK Avenue, Phnom Penh, on 8th of August, where many audiences were waiting...
Cinemas in Cambodia have shown their fully support for the most awaiting movie, “First They Killed My Father”, by providing more and more showtimes. “First They...
“First They Killed My Father”, directed by Angelina Jolie, is set to release on Netflix this September 15th. “First They Killed My Father” is the film...
The famous food menu which is Bugs food of Cambodia promoted worldwide through social media. After gifting Cambodian a precious novel-based movie called ‘’First They Killed...
A great and supposed to be one of the most awaiting movies for Cambodian people, “First They Killed My Father”, held its premiere screening on Saturday...
Finally, the time has come! One of the most awaiting movies, which directed by famous Hollywood star, Angelina Jolie, will held its premiere screening in this...
t’s really great and a great new especially for Cambodian people after a movie “First They Killed My Father” was announced to release in this year....