On 14th March, Major Cineplex and Legend Cinema Citymall has held a Tomb Raider pre-screening event participating by invited guests. Directed by Roar Uthaug, it has...
“Happy Death Day” has held its own pre-screening on October 30th at Prime Cineplex Cambodia. The pre-screening’s purpose is for Halloween celebration. The story is about...
The new adaptation of Stephen King’s classic horror, “IT”, is now screening in the cinemas, especially in Cambodia. Andy Muschietti’s IT (2017) adaptation has been highly...
“First They Killed My Father”, has held its premiere screening at Legend Cinema, TK Avenue, Phnom Penh, on 8th of August, where many audiences were waiting...
Cinemas in Cambodia have shown their fully support for the most awaiting movie, “First They Killed My Father”, by providing more and more showtimes. “First They...