Bad Genius, the highest-grossing Thailand film of 2017, held its pre-screening at Legend Cinema with excitement and positive reviews. On 11th July 2017, fans were invited...
A musical ban called, “Small World Small Band” is excited to announce that they have teamed up with with Plerng Kob, the creator of successful event...
Many Cambodian original artists have lately been gaining a lot of attention and recognition for their talents and high-quality works. Recently, several songs by our original...
It is true that “One Mission” is being made into a drama series. The famous characteristics of One Mission novel are stepping out of the book...
“Roim Njek’’, a catchy dance music goes viral among Cambodian people. Recently, Raksmey Hangmeas Production, which is one of a top entertainment music productions in Cambodia,...
The words “SIS’’ and ‘’BRO’’ have just became a new trend among Cambodian netizens on social media, especially on Facebook. Recently, the word “Sis” stands for...