[VIDEO] Demining Cambodia: Giant Rats Become Landmines Detector

Cambodia has been known as a war-torn country with many landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) scattered across the country, especially on some rural areas.

The government of Cambodia has been working diligently in demining the rural areas of the country, so that people can feel safer and makes farming less dangerous. However, instead of using the usual metal detector, Cambodian deminers are apparently using giant rats to detect the landmines.



Giant Rats become Landmines Detector in Cambodia

Phnom Penh─ Cambodia has been known as a war-torn country with many landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) scattered across the country, especially on some rural areas.

The government of Cambodia has been working diligently in demining the rural areas of the country, so that people can feel safer and makes farming less dangerous. However, instead of using the usual metal detector, Cambodian deminers are apparently using giant rats to detect the landmines.

Rats are too small and lightweight to detonate a mine”, said Meas Chamreoun, a deminer as well as a rat handler, “What special about the rat is that it detects the mine much quicker because it’s trained to smell the TNT.”

Meas Chamreoun, a deminer as well as a rat handler

The rat will give signal to its handler by digging the ground when it detects a mine. Moreover, it is known that a rat can cover up to 100sq meters in 20mns, whereas a metal detector can take up to 2 days.

Check out how the rat detect landmines and how cute the relationship between the rat and its handler is in the video below!


Giant rats are believed to be more useful than metal detector

Giant rats can cover up to 100 square meters in just 20mns, while metal detector take up to two days

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